clinical trials on packaging

Specific tests: Custom tests, DASRI and Industrial products

In order to perfectly adapt our offer to your needs, BVT offers to carry out tests other than those according to the UN regulations. Discover our tests on healthcare waste, on industrial products or, to optimise your needs, customised tests.

Let's carry out

Your customised tests together

Our laboratory experts offer a tailor-made testing service. This feature aims to meet your requirements in the most suitable way possible. To do this, we carefully study any specifications specific to your needs, but we can also draw up a set of specifications to better understand and therefore meet your requirements. This specificity allows you to have the packaging tested according to your needs or your customers' requests.


If you are a carrier of dangerous goods and want to test the packaging quality of some of the companies that subcontract this step for you, we can select the best one for you. We can test the packaging of various companies and advise you on which one to choose. BVT, as an expert in this field and an impartial third party, will provide you with an answer tailored to your needs. In the event of a dispute, BVT offers you the benefit of its skills and experience to carry out expert assessments.


Would you like to personalise your tests?


Do you want to check the compliance of a package with a specific standard or specification?

Rely on BVT's expertise to help you with this process.

Let's deal together with

The particular case of DASRI


At BVT, we also carry out tests to prove the compliance of packaging intended for the transport of healthcare waste with the regulations.

This waste from care activities with infectious risks (DASRI) produced by the private sector and health establishments and similar establishments presents a danger for public health and the environment.

The protection of people confronted with the risks of handling this hazardous waste depends on the safety of the DASRI sector and in particular the packaging that contains it.
In addition to the regulations on the transport of hazardous materials by road (ADR), the modified decree of 24 November 2003 imposes tests on packaging intended to contain waste from care activities with infectious risks. In order to comply with the regulations in place, they must withstand these different tests:


  • Tilt tests
  • Static lifting tests
  • Strength of the closure system
  • Leakage tests


Only laboratories approved by the Minister of Transport, such as BVT, are authorised to carry out these tests (Standards NF X 30-507, ISO 23907, NF X 30-506).

Did you know?

Picto light bulb
Testing the strength of your non-dangerous goods packaging guarantees a good condition of your goods at their reception. A good damaged during transit can quickly become unsaleable. BVT avoids this risk by testing your packaging for industrial goods.

Let's test your

Packaging for industrial products together

The main concern of an industrialist who hands over a product for transport is that it arrives at its destination without any deterioration. All too often, the mismatch between the packaging and the product contained in it leads to irreversible and costly damage as a result of its deterioration.


At BVT, we know how to deal with this problem. We offer to qualify packaging intended to contain industrial products according to the conditions encountered during transport. This way, you will find them in perfect condition once they arrive at their destination.


The application of standardised tests (standard NF H 00-060) to the product in its packaging simulates the real constraints of the distribution circuit used. These tests create a well-defined and adapted sequence that allows the performance of the packaging to be optimised according to the product being transported (shocks, vibrations, falls, etc.).


Test the packaging of your products and ensure optimal quality upon receipt!

Tests for limited and/or

excepted quantities

If you are transporting limited and/or excepted quantities of dangerous goods, packaging approval is not required by the regulations, but you must be able to prove the strength of your packaging and thus demonstrate that your dangerous goods are well protected. The packaging chosen must be strong enough to withstand the usual transport stresses and shocks (ADR / IMDG).


BVT offers you its expertise and impartiality and makes its equipment available for drop and stacking tests so that you can demonstrate the compliance of your packaging with the regulations.

The professions of 


Number  1 green


BVT, a trusted partner for training your staff, relies on a pedagogical approach based on real work situations. Our objective is to quickly develop the autonomy of your employees.
Number 2 green


We test all types of packaging in order to certify them for the Transport of Dangerous Goods. Our expertise in testing allows us to maximize safety and limit any risk.

Number 3 green


To make an inventory of the application of the Transport of Dangerous Goods regulations in your company, and to obtain an exhaustive report on the deviations noted.

Our Trainings

To make the participants quickly autonomous and operational after the training

Our Laboratory

Transport your dangerous goods all over the world in safety